1.       Policy

This Policy provides information to the existing and prospective participant about the process of applying for the refund of the paid tuition fee.

The refund information is made available to the participants through the enrolment process and a declaration that the Refund Policy has been accessed and read; and is included on the ‘Participant induction checklist’ which the participant signs prior to acceptance into a course of study with Asuria Training.

The following procedure ensures all participants are treated fairly, efficiently and with integrity when applying for refunds.

2.       Procedure

The participant must complete the ‘Refund / Cancel Payment Plan Request Form’ form for a refund. This form can be accessed on our website at www.asuria.com.au/training (under Refund Policy); or obtained from a staff member to download from our intranet system- Cruse and submitted to support@asuria.com.au; or sent in post to the Head office; or hand over in person to reception at any of our branch offices listed in the participant handbook.

All refunds request shall be accompanied by:

  • Completed Asuria Training Withdrawal form (available on our website www.asuria.com.au/training at the back of Participant handbook)
  • Proof of extenuating circumstances, if applicable
  • The request will be processed within fourteen (14) working days of the receipt of completed application by Asuria Training.
  • The refund will be paid in Australian dollars to the participant
  • Fees paid by third parties are NOT refundable to the participant but will be paid to the third party.
  • Details of refunds will be maintained in the participant’s file.

Note: Once course material (textbooks or resources) are handed to a participant they become the property of the participant and considered second-hand, and therefore no refund will be provided.

Outline of Refunds

Asuria Training withdraws or unable to deliver the course

  • Full refund on tuition fees paid and materials (if materials are charged and not yet handed to participant)
  • Asuria Training may arrange for alternate course at no (extra) cost to the participant as an alternative to refunding the course fee. If the participant agrees to this arrangement, Asuria Training will not be liable to refund the money owed for the original enrolment. The participant must sign a new agreement to indicate they have accepted this option.

Withdrawal on or before agreed commencement date

If the participant is unable to commence their course, a completed Withdrawal form must be received by Asuria Training 48 hours prior to scheduled commencement date via email (support@asuria.com.au) or received by the Head Office. Full refund on tuition fees paid and course material (if course material are charged and not handed over to the participant) within 14 days.

Participant withdraws after commencement – paid in advance

Short Courses (1-2 days): No refund shall be paid on tuition fees and course material (if course material are charged)

All Certificate level qualifications: Refund request must be accompanied with a Course Withdrawal Form; and must be requested within 48 hours of course withdrawal date (last date of attendance).

Within 2 weeks of commencement: Full refund (no refund for course materials, if paid)

Between  3-4 weeks from commencement date: 50% of tuition fee refunded (no refund for course material, if paid)

More than 4 weeks after commencement date: No refund (no refund for course material, if paid)

Participants withdraws after commencement – payment plans

All Certificate level qualifications: Refund request must be accompanied with a Course Withdrawal Form; and must be submitted within 72 hours of course withdrawal date (last date of attendance) to ensure that all future direct debits or credit card authorisations are halted.

Within 2 weeks of commencement: All payment plans will stop

Between 3-4 weeks from commencement date: Payment plans will continue until 50% of the Tuition fee has been paid off

More than 4 weeks after commencement date: Payment plans will continue for full amount of the tuition and course material fees (less deposit paid if applicable)

For any continuing direct debit or credit card authorisations where the participant closes their bank account or credit card, the balance outstanding will be referred to a debt collector

Extenuating Circumstances: The assessment of extenuating circumstances is responsibility of the Executive Director (Skills) who assesses candidate requests on case-by-case basis.

Appealing Refund decisions

  • All participants have the right to appeal to the refund decision made by Asuria Training. Participants can access the Complaints and Appeals Procedure on our website at www.asuria.com.au/training under Complaints and Appeals Policy.
  • This Policy does not remove participants right to take action under:
  • Australia’s consumer protection laws or
  • Right to pursue other legal remedies where necessary

3.       Review

This policy is due for review two years from its date of last review or earlier if required by legislative or regulatory changes.

This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of Asuria Training (AETS Pty Ltd), Level 6, 22 William Street Melbourne, 3000.


Asuria Training (AETS Pty Ltd) is nominated as the Owner of this Policy.


This Policy and Procedure document is designed to assist employees of Asuria Training in performing their duties and responsibilities, and otherwise to set out general information in relation to certain subjects.

To the extent that this Policy and Procedure document requires an employee of Asuria Training to do, or refrain from doing something, it constitutes a direction from Asuria Training to the employee, with which the employee must comply. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary action up to, and including termination of employment.

Asuria Training may alter or withdraw this Policy from time to time, or choose not to apply any part or all of this procedure in a particular instance at its absolute discretion, unless expressly stated otherwise in this document, or in an underlying template document contained on or linked through this page. Because this Policy and procedure document and any underlying policies and procedures may be changed by Asuria Training from time to time, this site should always be accessed to ensure that the Policy and procedure being accessed is the current version.  Employees should not rely on printed documents without checking the current status of this Policy and Procedure via Cruse.