Local collaboration with ACSA leads to graduation and career pathways in aged care across Tasmania
Asuria Training saw nothing other than smiles and certificates this month; as our participants from the Mind to Gap program, a government-funded pre-employment program celebrated their well-earned statements at graduations in Launceston, Ulverstone and Hobart.
Asuria Training, in collaboration with Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA), deliver the program which supports job seekers interested in gaining the skills and knowledge required to enter support roles in the expanding aged care sector.
As part of this program, Asuria Training delivers vocational training around core skills that participants will need for employment, including customer service, food safety and work health and safety (WHS).
Asuria Training State Administration Assistant, Bernadette, had the pleasure of attending the Hobart graduation at the Centre of Excellence.
Speaking to Bernadette on how the day went, she tells us that she felt immensely proud handing out the statements on behalf of Asuria Training. Working with such a confident and accomplished group of participants, she reflects that hearing their employment success stories during the reception brought her a lot of joy.
This program has been incredibly successful with excellent feedback from the facilities where the students completed their work placement, with a beautiful success rate, showing that over 80% of the participants gained employment.
We’re looking forward to continuing seeing our recent graduates succeed and are eager to meet our next lot of participants, ready to make their employment dreams a reality.
From everyone at Asuria Training, congratulations to all the participants involved, we wish you all the best for the future.